Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Alcoholism And Families

The effects of alcoholism on families can cause more damage and pain than any other internal or external influence on the family unit. The impact of the drinker’s abuse or addiction is usually manifested differently with each member of the family and has long-term implications.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that more than one-half of adults in the U.S. have a close family member who has abused alcohol or is addicted to the drug.

Children of Parents who Drink

Unborn Babies: Women who drink during pregnancy pass the drug to their unborn children each time they consume alcohol. Maternal drinking causes babies to be born with irreversible physical and mental birth defects.

This condition is called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and these children grow up with facial abnormalities, growth retardation and brain damage that inhibits their ability to live normal lives.

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, severe damage from FAS affects around 5000 babies every year; additionally 35000 babies are born with milder damage from FAS.

Children: Children who are born without birth defects and live with a father and/or mother who is an alcohol abuser or addict experience severe effects that may include:

Low self-esteem
Feelings of guilt and despair
Loneliness and fear of abandonment
Chronic depression
High levels of anxiety and stress
They may believe that their parent’s drinking is their fault and frequently cry, have nightmares and wet their beds. Once they get older, children may not easily make friends. They may hoard things, develop phobias or exhibit perfectionist traits.

Through the effects of alcoholism on families, children often feel they are different that other people and develop a poor self-image that they carry throughout life.

They have difficulties in school and establishing relationships with friends and teachers. And fewer children of alcoholics go to college compared to the national average.

In addition, living in an alcoholic family also suggests that children are more susceptible to child abuse, including incest and battery.

Adult Children of Alcoholics: Once children become adults, the effects of alcoholism on families continue to impact their lives. They experience difficulties trusting others and have relationship issues.

Depression is common, as is anxiety, aggression and impulsive behavior. Adult children of alcoholics continue having a negative self-image, which causes them to make poor choices and accumulate failures in their work, social and family lives.

Spouse or Partner
Alcoholism has a transforming effect on the spouse or partner that can create significant mental trauma and physical health problems. Divorce rates among couples where one or both partners drinks is much higher than average.

As alcohol abuse or addiction progresses, the non-drinking spouse often grows into a compulsive care-taking role, which creates feelings of resentment, self-pity and exhaustion. The marriage suffers from:

Poor spousal communication
Increased anger and distress
Reduced intimacy and sexual desire
Increased marital abuse
Depleting finances spent on alcohol
Often the spouse and children become codependent, as one of the effects of alcoholism in families. Codependents, who are also referred to as enablers, further the alcoholic’s drinking problem by trying to protect them and keep them out of trouble.

This may include telling an employer a lie about why the individual didn’t come to work, telling friends stories to explain the alcoholic’s behavior, or handling a responsibility that should have been taken care of by the drinker.

Codependents make the problem worse by permitting the drinking to continue. Effects of Alcoholism on Families … Is there Help?
Treating alcoholic families is difficult and complex. Often treatment is not entirely successful for family members, even when the alcohol abuser or addict eventually reforms.

The effects of alcoholism in families are difficult to overcome; yet without treatment, they can be devastating for the long-term. With the right approach and support, positive steps can be taken to improve lives.

Healthcare professionals may recommend a multi-faceted treatment approach that includes group family therapy, as well as individualized treatment for each family member Treatment may take the form of one or more of the following:

Out-Patient Programs
In-Patient Programs
Peer Support Groups
Psycho-Social Therapy
Medication-Assisted Treatment
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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Alcoholism And Depression

It has been proven that alcohol causes depression. Depression is ongoing feelings of hopelessness, sadness, unhappiness, and causes a bleak outlook on life. And when you are suffering from depression you can't be at the top of your game. It is hard to function in high gear when you are fatigued and are experiencing a general lack of interest, also caused by depression. It may also be important to point out here that depression causes anxiety. So many who suffer from depression will also have episodes of anxiety.

Since alcohol is a known depressant, it stands to reason people with depression shouldn't drink. This applies to people suffering from manic depression as well. Studies have shown that doctors miss diagnosing correctly roughly 65% of people who are depressed.

The depression caused by alcohol actually starts with your physical body. First, alcohol lowers the serotonin and norepinephrine levels in your brain. These chemicals are the chemicals that give you your good feelings - a feeling of well being, and they help you to feel normal. The anti-depressant drugs were designed build these chemicals back up. After a long drinking career, since alcohol can take these brain chemicals down to ground zero, it can take a long time for the anti-depressants to bring these brain chemical levels back to where they need to be.

Alcohol also temporarily nullifies the effects of stress hormones. This is why after drinking you feel worse than ever, because alcohol depresses your nervous system and your brain. A study was done that followed people who were only drinking one drink a day and after these people stopped drinking for 3 months, their depression scores improved. And that is only at one drink a day, so it is easy to imagine the impact the kind of volume an alcoholic takes in every day can have.

Alcohol all but wipes out every vitamin in your system after a drinking session. A folic acid deficiency will contribute the brain aging and in older people, dementia. The folic acid deficiency also contributes to overall depression. Further, the alcohol in your system also breaks down and speeds the elimination of antioxidants in your blood. Antioxidants are critically important to our health because antioxidants fight free radicals and free radical damage causes diseases and aging. Our immune system actually creates the antioxidants which then neutralize the free radicals.

Alcohol can activate a gene that has been linked to depression and other mental issues. The result of this activation can cause not only depression, but seizures, and manic depressive episodes as well.

Although the majority of problem drinkers associate depression with their mental and emotional states, the fact is this kind of depression originates in your physical body's response to drinking alcohol.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Alcohol Abuse: Symptoms

If we look into the latest reports of WHO (World Health Organization), some pernicious facts will be revealed at once. The reports state categorically that alcohol abuse or disproportionate use of alcohol is rising by leaps and bounds across the globe and is victimizing no less than 2.5 million people per annum. Among them there are 3.2 lakh young people between 15 and 29 years of age. A number of studies have also stated already that alcohol abuse happens to be the eighth leading risk factor for deaths throughout the planet. As per studies, there are two billion alcohol consumers, around the globe.
How can a chronic addict be saved? Well, it can be only if he/she is admitted to one of the most reputable alcoholism treatment centers. This is the general idea (and there is no wrong in this); a number of measures have to be adopted to check the alcohol addiction symptoms prior to the admission. Only if there is there presence of those, there should be further advancement. Without second thoughts it can be said that alcoholism ought to be treated no less than as an ailment and hence, it remain reliant on precise treatment by means of medicines with counseling. Where do we go if there is any disease? Nursing homes along with hospitals become our last refuge; similarly alcoholism treatment centers are the last destinations of a chronic addict to alcohol. We must focus and detect the said symptoms that lead to the results we observed in the first few sentences of this article.

Initially, symptoms can be best detected by family members only and hence their responsibilities increase to a great extent. Apart from being aware of his/her each and every movement, you (in case you're the family member) must also be conscious of the potential developments in these cases and compassionate. Make sure to find out or detect known indications of alcohol abuse in the hapless person. Remember if there is any minor alcohol abuse (fair in degree or effect) the symptoms or indications will be nothing severe than memory loss, gradual withdrawal from the family and social mixing, and increase in violence if alcohol is not provided. Other possible symptoms include abrupt stammering along with reduction of good vision.
Bear in mind that each and every moment is pricey and any negligence on part of dear and near ones can lead to catastrophes. Keep tabs on every development and try to find out if the addict is in a mood of withdrawing him/herself from others. There would be a change in the personality also; a vibrant person turn into complainant and surrenders to violence without any exception. If this change stays and perturbs the entire family, it is the time to get conscious and force the addict to opt for alcoholism treatment centers. Well, this is a necessary positive step because accepting the alcohol abuse problem in the very beginning makes the entire job easier.

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