The biggest step to getting help for alcoholics is to understand the problems and aid the alcoholic in seeing the need for a change. This is the most difficult part to beginning the steps to becoming clean and sober. This article will discuss the symptoms of alcoholics and alcoholism counseling.
In the beginning family and friends begin to worry about drinking episodes of someone close and become concerned about their drinking habit which appears to become more frequent. Alcohol affects some people differently than others. Sometimes someone with alcohol abuse is not even aware of his addition and believes he can stop anytime. In fact, there are millions suffering from alcoholism who can still manage to keep their jobs until a critical event occurs.
Many alcohol abuse counselors believe there are some clear signs before the addiction takes over. In the beginning, there is over drinking on occasion. This is how teenagers, young adults and even senior citizens start. If you have a friend or family member who is over drinking, this would be a good time to intervene with the facts. Alcohol abuse is addictive and consumes a life without using carefully, thought through wisdom. This type of behavior is called risky drinking.
Alcohol abuse is the next step you can see happen to your friend. Problems related to the alcohol abuse can be seen. Bad judgment controls the thinking of an abuser and he or she might get into fights, be inappropriate with friends and dates.
Full blown alcoholism can help you distinguish other steps just leading to the addiction step. Here are the signs you will see when a victim of alcohol abuse has lost control. For some, the first signs are legal involvement from a drunken driving arrests to blatant lying behavior about everything.
As the years go on and alcoholism becomes a life style. You will witness devastation in the family, job loss and serious medical problems as the alcohol abuse causes amnesia and other thinking problems at an early middle age. Finally, alcohol related illnesses and deaths rank with the higher causes of death rated today. It is a sad and unrewarding way to live life.
The only one who can create the change is the alcoholic himself.
There are many avenues for counseling those with alcohol abuse. Sometimes interventions are used to assist getting the alcoholic to accept want change enough to begin treatment. Often you hear about rehabilitation clinics where the alcoholic stays for months to get sober and continue counseling so he can return to his life and stay clean. Another avenue is daytime programs that work with the alcoholics and let them return to their homes in the evening. Another way to go is to be counseled week to week by an alcohol counselor or therapist who can be successful with some folk in this setting. A free meeting with Alcoholics Anonymous is held nightly in almost every city so people who need attention to get clean and stay sober can attend as often as needed to recover
All these rehabilitation methods have merit with the symptoms of alcohol and alcoholism counseling. The most important key to success is for the addicted drinker to make the decision to change. After becoming sober, a new life style must be created with people who care about seeing him succeed. This is where family is important, Alcoholics anonymous can be very helpful and therapists also participate in coaching the recovering alcoholic to a better life. It will take a small village to combat the problems caused by alcohol abuse.
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