Alcoholism is disease. Never forget that. Beating this terrible addiction is not only possible, but very much encouraged by society. The ugliness of alcoholism has destroyed people and families for decades, and if you know of someone with this affliction, you know firsthand that the problem doesn't go away.
Alcohol affects the brain in a way, that the victim feels helpless and only wants to drink themselves deeper into a point of invisibility. The effects on others is often blamed on the alcoholic's excuse that they didn't mean to do that, or they didn't know what they were doing. This is denial pure and simple.
Alcohol rehab is treated with care in finding the original cause of a person's addiction and shows them how and where their problems multiplied once they chose alcohol as a crutch or short-term dulling effect.
Once an alcoholic, unfortunately always an alcoholic. The body can be cleansed of the alcohol, but never the brain. Once you take a drink the sensors in your brain will be re-ignited and the addiction immediately reappears. I still suffer the occasional craving. The success of any addiction, is to educate a person that they are always addicted, but they can prevent the temptation of it grabbing them and flinging them back into a full fledged active addiction.
Too many times an alcoholic will inflict personal body damage or death on another. It doesn't have to be that way, if you take the right actions and seek help through alcohol rehab. Depending on your involvement with an alcoholic, you may want to go through alcohol rehab yourself, in order to better understand how alcohol affects the body and behavior.

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